
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Legitimate Thoughts: Space Opera, Afterall

Howdy buckaroos (and buckarettes)! For those of you wishing for a life of swash-buckling adventure on the high seas of space, you're in luck! After years of being told by skeptics that our planet is the habitable exception to a cold and barren rule, scientists from the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) and the Carnegie Institute of Washington have discovered the first potentially inhabitable world outside our solar system

Granted, this isn't the first extra-solar planet found, but it is the first to be right smack in the middle of its sun's Goldilocks zone--the crucial orbit no too far or close to the sun where water can exist in its liquid form. And if there’s something you must know about water, it’s that it is necessary for just about everything needed to support life.

You see, we here on earth take water for granted. It's everywhere. It's in our air, our oceans, and on the floors of subway stops and public restrooms everywhere (urine is 80%+ water). So it's understandable that we don't grasp just how stacked the odds were against us having liquid water. Indeed, just a bit closer or farther in our orbit and the Big Blue would either be a frozen wasteland like Siberia or a barren desert like Death Valley, respectively. 

Of course, don't go wanking off to Avatar (again) just yet. Just because it's in the Goldilocks zone doesn't mean it has life, it just means it has the potential for it. All of you budding space cowboys and cowgirls out there can still dream, but it is also highly unlikely that the technology to reach this glorious Earth 2.0 will exist in our lifetime (it is a wopping 20 light-years away).

So much for your career as a bounty hunter..

This will never be you. 

Still, if this planet is in fact habitable then even if we ourselves are unable to warp drive our way over, we can at least settle one debate that has been raging in the media ever since hippies first started digging holes in the ground and going to town: There is a Plan B.

So yes! we can in fact pillage and rape our planet for years to come, because once it’s spent, we’ll have a perfectly good new one to pillage and rape all over again.



  1. I beg to differ... I WILL become a bounty hunter. ;D

  2. Haha, and the BEST of luck to you, Admin! :P

  3. time to become a bounty hunter :3

  4. Wouldn't a female buckaroo be a buckarette?

    The vastness of the universe is literally incomprehensible. There will be life found out there, and intelligent life too. The odds are in favor. Just realize that our search for life is comparable to searching a glass of water taken from our oceans.

  5. Hm...good point, Futomara!

    I agree with your sentiment wholeheartedly, as well. It's ludicrous to think that we are the ONLY life in existence when the universe is literally too vast to comprehend.

  6. I WILL get to Earth 2.0. Mark my words.

  7. It makes me sad that I will never be a bounty hunter :(

  8. Thanks for making me depressed.

    I will never get to be a space cowboy.


  9. Nice picture caption for the bottom image. I'll go kill myself now.

  10. I love Cowboy Bebop, I love this post, and I thank you for bringing both to me tonight :) I hope you do stop by my blog often, and am glad you like it!

  11. Gonna be hard to still be a pirate with all these bounty hunters around.

  12. That makes me think... anyone knows a good space-related musical? :)

  13. Good sir, I'd like to welcome you to my dashboard for such a great post. FOLLOWIN!

  14. that was interesting... can't wait to see what you post tomorrow

  15. I like this blog. I'll check back tomorrow for a new update :)

  16. Damn, and I wanted to be Spike so badly. It's good to know we can destroy this Earth cause we may have another one. Thanks for the info bro

  17. This was one of my favorite anime in the 90's followed by Samurai X and Trigun

  18. Was an interesting post to read, I'm interested to see what they come up with next.

  19. I wish the live action Bebop wasn't canceled :/

  20. Omg, yes, Cowboy Bebop !! Also, great ending thought that hippies should just shut the fuck up and let us rape this planet and all it's natural resources. I agree though, whenever that's all done and out, we can just check out how we'll go from there.

    In Dutch we have a saying that goes something like: Who lives in the future, who cares about the future, don't worry about it now...

  21. Interesting stuff, I've never seen it before.

  22. Haha, damn Frank, you make me want to go back to the Netherlands to chill with people like you. You're pretty awesome, buddy.

    But yeah, Trigun and Samurai X are also pretty awesome and I highly recommend them even if you're only a little into anime. In my opinion, Cowboy Bebop is the non-anime-lover's anime since it hardly follows the "traditional" anime format of being extremely drawn out and somewhat slap-stick.

    On an ending note: no problem funkotron, and thanks Blenderhead and MacPCharmony ;)

    (p.s. I did not mean to crush your hopes and dreams; you can still be pirates and bounty hunters if you put your heart to it! At least that's what I was taught in the EXCELLENT American education system...)

  23. NO!, I will be a space cowboy by hook or crook, you'll see.

  24. Best of luck to you, Matute! ;)

    And thanks Lewis and College Student!

  25. I enjoy coming to your blog and reading! The humor is great and its really refreshing from the typical news websites I frequent everyday! Keep up the good bloggin!
