
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stumble Findings: How to Make Skittles Vodka

What's more awesome than skittles and vodka? Skittles IN vodka, of course!

Here is the helpful guide to this Elixir of Awesomeness in its entirety (the file was broken up into three parts for this blog post because it was too damn huge to fit properly):





  1. ohhh god, you shouldnt be giving me this kind of info :). its definatly cool but im not sure if skittles would give it too much of a strong taste. here we have some thing called a drunk water melon dont know how occuring it is any where else but i love it. you take a water melon cut a whole in 1 part of it the size of a bottle top, then you pour a litre of votka in and leave in the freezer over nite, just make sure you leave it upright so it doesnt spill out. tommorow when its readdy you slice and dice it and eat it with your friends, provides for some fun times. maybe you can try it and write something about it.

  2. this seems like it would taste pretty good

  3. If I still drank I would be all over this. vodka was my favorite, next to tequila, rum, gin, whiskey, beer, wine and everclear

  4. wow this is genius!! im making some right now

  5. im so going to try this. i want to taste the rainbow then throw it up.

  6. Dude, this looks extremely tasty and I am going to try and make this within a couple of weeks when I have the time. Got to do my exams first this week...

  7. That looks amazing!! I hope it tastes as good as it looks!

  8. gnjili shepard, I have heard of that in one form or another but it never crossed my mind to eat it (the version I know is is where you make the watermelon into a keg). This idea sounds spectacular though--I will definitely try it and let you all know how it turns out.
